Wisdom Within

The Power of One Love and a Story That Will Stick

August 27, 2024 Season 4 Episode 31

In a world that often seems divided, where separation and isolation seem to be the norm, here is the truth of loving awareness behind the illusions of separateness. A powerful and profound story of choosing the power of One Love when threats arise.

Breath of Life Course

One Love, One Light, and One Breath

"Breath is a lamp"
There is no need to manipulate the breath. Breath is a natural thing, like air, like light; we can leave breath as it is and don't need to interfere with it. What we are doing is simply lighting up the lamp of awareness to illuminate our breathing. We generate the energy of mindfulness to illuminate everything that is happening in the present moment. "
~Thich Nhat Hanh 

Love, light and liberation,
One Love, One Light, One Breath