Wisdom Within


September 02, 2024 Season 4 Episode 32

Welcome back to Wisdom Within, where we explore the profound insights that guide us toward living more connected, fulfilled lives. I'm your host, Sonya Lyn, and today we're diving into a powerful topic: "RelationShift – Shifting Within for Deeper Connection."

We often hear that relationships are a mirror, reflecting back to us aspects of ourselves. But how often do we truly look into that mirror? When we experience tension, disconnection, or misunderstandings in our relationships, it's easy to point fingers, and blame the other person for what's gone wrong. Yet, as the saying goes, when you point one finger at someone, three fingers point back at you.

Some additional information for the Breath of Life Course:
Breath of Life

Energy Assessment

Love, light and liberation,
One Love, One Light, One Breath