Wisdom Within

Thought Prison

Season 4 Episode 26

I mentioned last week about my this is my brave speech. It started with how my painful prison sentence led me to my power, passion, and purpose.

Thought Prison by Ram Dass 

Wherever there is attachment

Associated with it

Brings endless misery.

– Gampopa, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation

“Your ego is a set of thoughts that define your universe. It’s like a familiar room built of thoughts; you see the universe through its windows. You are secure in it, but to the extent that you are afraid to venture outside, it has become a prison. Your ego has you conned. You believe you need its specific thoughts to survive. The ego controls you through your fear of loss of identity. To give up these thoughts, it seems, would annihilate you, and so you cling to them.

There is an alternative. You needn’t destroy the ego to escape its tyranny. You can keep this familiar room to use as you wish, and you can be free to come and go. First you need to know that you are infinitely more than the ego room by which you define yourself. Once you know this, you have the power to change the ego from prison to home base.

Consider awakening on a usual morning. The alarm clock rings, you come out of sleep, focus enough to think “Alarm clock,” and reach over to turn it off. Your thoughts might go something like this:

“It’s time to get up. I have to go to the toilet. It’s warm in here. Do I smell coffee perking? I could still sleep for ten more minutes. Oh, I forgot to do the dishes last night. I need to go to the toilet. Gee, my mouth tastes awful. I could still sleep for ten more minutes. What was I dreaming about? Who was that person in my dream? Wonder if it’s warm outside. Boy, I’m hungry. What’s that sound in the other room? I really need to go to the toilet. God, I wish I could stay in bed all day.”

Listen to hear the 2nd part of this Thought Prison by Ram Dass

A being whose awareness is totally free, who does not cling to anything, is liberated.”

– Ram Dass

Pre-buy price: https://sonyalyn.com/courses/breath-of-life/

Love, light and liberation,
One Love, One Light, One Breath