Wisdom Within

Hungry for Happiness

March 10, 2024 β€’ Season 4 β€’ Episode 9

Do you feel as if something is missing? A void that you are constantly trying to fill by doing, buying, or seeking? You are not alone on the quest home for wholeness and satiation. 
πŸŽ™οΈ In this episode of "Wisdom Within," we embark on a transformative journey, exploring the hunger for happiness and the nature of material pursuits. Join me as we unravel the profound truth that the lasting joy we seek is not found in external possessions but in the connection to our higher self and spirit. Discover the wisdom that reminds us everything we yearn for externally is, in fact, within. It's a soulful exploration of our true nature and a call to satiate our hunger for happiness with the eternal feast of self-discovery. Tune in and let the echoes of ancient wisdom guide you toward the fulfillment you've been searching for. 🌟 #WisdomWithin #SoulfulJourney #HungerForHappiness #SpiritualWisdom 🌌

In today's episode, we delve into the essence of our desires and the realization that the materials things we often chase are but fleeting pleasures. As we navigate the labyrinth of life, it becomes evident that the sustenance for our hungry souls lies not in the external, but within the realms of connection to our higher self and spirit.

It's a common misconception to seek happiness in possessions, accomplishments, or external validations. Yet, the truth unfolds as we embark on the journey inward. Our true nature is revealed, and we come to understand that the hunger within us is not for the material, but for a profound connection with our home and creator.

Imagine a world where we recognize that everything we seek outside of ourselves is, in fact, within. The keys to lasting joy, peace, and contentment are not found in the external world, but in the depths of our being. As we explore this hunger for connection, we unveil the wisdom that resonates with our true nature.

Join me as we unravel the layers of illusion, acknowledging that the external pursuits are merely temporary, while the internal journey leads us to an everlasting feast for the soul. The hunger we feel is a call to reconnect with our higher self and spirit, to rediscover the essence of who we truly are.

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Love, light and liberation,
One Love, One Light, One Breath