Live on Purpose™

From Distractions to Peace and Presence

February 04, 2024 Season 4 Episode 4
Live on Purpose™
From Distractions to Peace and Presence
Show Notes

Do you feel distractions are carrying you away from the peace and contentment you long for? You are not alone, it's all contained within us and the distractions are meant to hold you back from your true nature tricking us away from how strong and powerful you are. This will end with a very brief guided meditation.

You can click below to take the free assessment or sign up for a discovery call to break free from the attractions getting in the way of you creating a fulfilling purpose-driven life full of love and peace.

Following your breath keeps you in the present moment. when you change your breath you can change your life. What change are you ready to embrace and create space for by letting go of feeling victim to a situation or blaming someone or an outside circumstance? I was the only one getting in my own way, and YOU are the one who holds the key for opening your heart for healing and creation! 
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Love. light and liberation,
It's your divine birthright