Live on Purpose™

Automatic Abundance Attractor

August 06, 2023 Season 3 Episode 38
Live on Purpose™
Automatic Abundance Attractor
Show Notes


What does abundance mean in your life?

Abundance means plenty or a very large quantity of something. It is the innate tendency of nature and of life to manifest, grow, and become more. It is the tendency of the life force to produce more and create more of everything, and we are consciousness and creators. 

To learn your AAA you can purchase this Energy Assessment and schedule a 1-1 private session to see the mirror image of your subconscious blockages holding you back from happiness, health, wisdom, and abundance.  You will also learn your Love factor number, since everything that we want to grow requires love and compassionate and nurturing you will see if your current rules, beliefs, and thoughts are actually sabotaging and holding you back from attraction/manifesting.
You can see the next Live~Love~Be events here:

Love and light, 

Love. light and liberation,
It's your divine birthright