Live on Purpose™

Your Divine Being

May 22, 2023 Season 3 Episode 37
Live on Purpose™
Your Divine Being
Show Notes

We are all divine beings, and it's our birthright. You are more than just a human doing and being; you are a soulful being having a human experience.

Beyond coming from our birth parents, we are connected through a higher power—our divine Father and Mother. And instead of being in material possessions, our inheritance lies essentially in identity from Him/her, your deity - one that is all good and inseparable from all that your God, Creator, Diety, or Shiva is.  It's all love and connection!

God, or universe consciousness, is the power of your thought and prayer consciousness. You are more powerful than you may know!

Breathwork and meditation connect you to the divine union, and the heart sutra.

Next in-person breathwork or private bw online or in person at my heart-centered home healing Shala.

Are you questioning who you are and your current or next purpose? I assure you that you're not alone. Schedule your breathwork or discovery call below. 

At the end of the recording, I will guide you on starting a meditation practice.

Love. light and liberation,
It's your divine birthright